Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Medical Discovery

This post here is dedicated to my better half.. thanks for the assistance with the research, sweetness.

I was thinking of actually publishing this in a medical journal, but I thought I'd run it by you guys first.

I believe that females have an undiscovered anatomical diversion. Yes, that's right. Undiscovered. What they swallow is not immediately destined to head into the stomach, instead there is an alternative route downwards.

You see, depending on the type of food ingested, tiny little female follicles in a woman's gullet automatically divert the food either towards the stomach (for sustenance), or towards the uterus (for comfort). Let me explain with an example:

Specimen A: a salad (i'm assuming that's what chicks eat)
Specimen B: chocolate

Now, specimen A gets ingested and the esophagus takes it directly down into the stomach where it is digested and then sent to the small bowel, where all those good nutrients are absorbed. It then moves to the large bowel and is eventually excreted a day or two down the line.

Specimen B, on the other hand, is swallowed but is then pushed into a special passage (which I've decided to call the mosophagus, just to make things easier) and makes its way down and into the uterus. From there it coats the inside lining of the uterus, resulting in the release of feel-good hormones that generate an overall feeling of pleasure, relief and contentedness.

I can see you squirming in your chairs, wondering how I made such an amazing discovery. Well, you see, it all came about the other day when we went to this place to have some hot chocolate. Apparently they served it in the form of melted chocolate in a mug.. like someone had taken a chocolate bar and liquified it. I found this all pretty interesting (in a very uninterested, "heh" sort of way) while she was just absolutely in love with it. Had a few spoonfuls and it tasted alright I guess, so that's when I started thinking about it.

You see, being that I've got a Y chromosome, I never developed a mosophagus (and subsequently, a uterus) therefore there's only one place that chocolate could go.. into my stomach. In there its all acid, waiting for a burger or meat of some sort.. and instead I deliver some melted chocolate. You can imagine how unimpressed my stomach is.

Her uterus, however, is actually physically HUGGED by the chocolate coming through the mosophagus, and the resultant hormone release delivers feelings of happiness that are much appreciated by her brain.

By the time you've finished reading this I will have finalized my flight and hotel bookings to Stockholm. Time to get working on that acceptance speech!


At 6:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Studies have been shown, mainly via the Swiss; economic undertones on their behalf, that chocolate (dark chocolate ) is an aphrodisiac for woman. You've provoked a very interesting theory: chocolate deemed aphrodisiac, stimulates our sexual desires, in turn thickens uterine lining which graters the chance to sustain life. You may have touched upon a cheaper less time consuming facet of In Vitro. Interesting. I’m delving into my own bit of research per this topic. Hold onto your sweetness. She’s a rare treasure that many search their whole lives for.

At 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the laugh!!

brillaint. now I know what to get my wife BEFORE we get into a fight ;)

At 4:40 PM , Blogger Seroo said...

i heart my mosophagus

At 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i'm gonna hurl.
i don't have the stomach for this crap, no pun intended.

3abood laswad

At 4:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, hi seroo :)

3abood laswad

At 3:43 PM , Blogger Seroo said...

roommate! :)


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