Friday, August 25, 2006



At 3:03 PM , Blogger Seroo said...

Doesn't beat my "HUMPED ZEBRA CROSSING" on Crawford Place :)

At 12:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it depends on what they're training to do. If they're training to shoot sign-reading passers by, then you're in trouble. If they're training to eat blades of grass without chewing, I'd be less concerned!

At 5:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In December of 2003, writer John Berlau, associated with both Reason magazine and the Competitive Enterprise Institute, learned of the death of Teresa Howell. Howell was an “escort” who went by the name “Summer Breeze” and worked out of a Georgetown townhouse. Berlau wanted to do an expose on the Washington sex trade. He tried to infiltrate several local “sex communities” operating on web sites such as but was not successful.

Then, as now, he tried his usual “if you do not work with me I will give you negative publicity” stunt but apparently the members of these communities did not take him seriously. Since then, Berlau has developed an obsession with prostitutes. On occasion, he has participated in “sting” operations with local police forces. He will work with them to entrap prostitutes, and then try to get information out of them. A typical arrangement is that if they will help him with this exposé he still dreams of writing, he will “fix” things with the police. Another typical arrangement is that if they will “take care of him” he will “take care of them”!

Reason and Berlau have web developers who had made sites for escorts and tried to extract information from them. In most cases, the standard Berlau “talk or be smeared” tactic was used. Senior people at Reason, including Jacob Sullum, Charles Paul Freund and Nick Gillespie supported these activities.

In mid-2006, Berlau helped Federal authorities in closing down numerous massage establishments run by Koreans. Berlau’s journalistic efforts were hampered by his inability to speak Korean, and his fear of reprisal from Korean organized crime may also have contributed to his lack of success on this particular project.

In August 2006, Berlau assisted police in Pennsylvania with the arrests of prostitutes advertising on Craigslist. This time, Berlau may have been able to obtain some cooperation.

Every time Berlau is called out on these activities, it is interesting that the one who rushes to his defense is Andrew Langer. Langer has a relationship with the Competitive Research Institute as well as the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Langer’s “Liberty Blog” has been Langer’s means of defending Berlau.

In September of 2006, Langer lost a Maryland election. Berlau was supposedly working with several Maryland law enforcement units, it is not known if this helped or hindered Langer’s political ambitions.

This is the worst kind of journalism. If Berlau can’t get his facts honestly, he should try something else. What he is doing is extortion, and he is doing it in the context of a potentially unhealthy obsession.

At 12:31 AM , Blogger Mo said...

even if this was a spam post.. its just way too random for me to delete.

thank you.

At 5:22 PM , Blogger Andrew Langer said...

It was a spam post - this guy is flooding the internet with this bogus stuff. Not a lick of it is true.

- Andrew Langer

At 3:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What people of Bahrain think of the english People
Sampling method: Sequential Sampling every 10th random person
Random Areas in Bahrain proportional to popualation
Sample weights Proptional to popualtion

Binary answers 0 = No, 1=Yes

Question Average for Yes
Do U Like English People in General? 29%
Would U send Ur son / Daughter for eduation in the UK? 14%
Do U think they are honest People? 42%
Would U marry an English Pesron? 10%

At 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Bahrain put up with the perverted no talent child molestor Michael Jackson? How about a survey on that topic?


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