Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I lay on my bed with a smile on my face
I looked at her in awe of her shimmering grace
I held her in my hands, my fingers twitching
To play with her all night, I truly was itching

The day she came home with me I was in ecstasy
Holding her in my arms, I unwrapped her carefully
I promised to take care of her, to never let her go
I stared at her intently, her whole body was aglow

A few weeks passed and I still feel the same
Around her I'm myself, I feel no shame
She's been with me on my journeys to far away cities
Places like Waterford, and the train station in Kilkenny

I woke up this morning, a morning so pleasant
For my little baby, I had quite the present
I went to the post office, the place was no mansion
But there is where they had, my honey's memory expansion

My PSP is so dear to me, I'm so glad she's mine
With this new memory stick I beam while she shines
I can now use her to watch three, full length movies
With some long battery life she keeps it all groovy

My PSP, she's oh so dear to me
I wish we'd be together eternally

(Or at least until the next hot new toy comes out).


At 8:01 PM , Blogger Mo said...

You know what, for a spam post you sure know how to butter a person up. Thank you for your words of support, even though you might just be a machine.

I did dare with the payday loan blog. I checked it out, and I still believe that its shameful that you prey on the weak and needy with your exorbitant interest rates.

Shame on you machine, shame. Once again, thanks for the compliment ;)

At 4:32 AM , Blogger Silveroo The Sailor said...

lool.. "ama salfetk salfa ya mo"!

At 8:39 PM , Blogger Mo said...

Alright, enough of this payday loan bullshit. Take your scam elsewhere.

Anymore posts about stupid payday loans will be promptly deleted.

At 10:10 AM , Blogger Mo said...

In hindsight (5 years of it), you guys helped cause the US sub-prime lending crisis which pushed the world into some serious financial trouble.

I hope you two are proud of yourselves, you twats.

And what about me picking up on that fact despite no financial or banking knowledge whatsoever? Now THAT'S what I call INSPIRED common sense.


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